Hair Style Lightning Round
A collection of hair styles I have chosen, and that the treatment has allowed for me.
- Centre is pre-diagnosis, pre-treatment, regular assed long hair
- North is bleached at Lilly's place, I'd have loved to wear it more than an hour, it wss fun
- North-East is the blue that was on the box. It didn't take
- East is the glorious green I got
- South-East is the green as the sun ravaged it and the chemo started to take holding
- South is the point where I shaved what remained
- South-West is the baby fuzz starting to grow back. It was very soft, wavy and provded no tempeature regulation. But it was summer, so it also provided no sun protectiuon.
- West was the straight bald i wore through most of my last chemo cycle. It was easier to keep the floor clean with a perminanly shedding cat that way.
- North-West is how it is now. The facial hair grew back in better and more mountin man than I could have ever hoped. I wish I could survive in part because I just want to see what it can do. The baby hair is back, soft as ever. I may not have won the lifespan lottery this go around, but I'm doing great for hair. And sometimes you take what you can get.
You have fine the joy when it comes to something like cancer. Once it has sapped all the joy, and I think it inevitibly will, that's your end. Or at least it will be mine. But I've been talking with the many faces of death, and I don't think we're ready quite yet.
*The following was originally posted September 3, 2023
I miss my long hair, and my green hair, and especially the few days it was blue hair. I did a thing I'd half heartedly wanted to do for a decade, and I'm glad I did. It's nice that not everything in my Facevook memories is an emotional timebomb I've got to work through.
The following was originally posted August 30, 2022
If the chemo is going to take my hair, I'm going to have fun with it first
From the Comments
James Petrosky: *it isn't a forgone conclusion that I'll lose my hair, and I'm pretty excited about this whole thing