Cancer Selfies

Tags & Categories


Diary: Entries in the photoblog

Hospice: Entries in the hospice blog

Scrap-Book: Scrap-book articles, also available chronologically on its own page.

Blog: Regular Facebook entries, included for completeness

Look-Back: From posts Facebook memories

VLog: My (mostly) daily vlog, usually a YouTube Short. The playlist can be found here

Video: Other video content.


Treatment related tags

Cancer Treatment Progression: Pre-diagnosis, Pre-treatment, Pre-surgery Chemotherapy, Surgical Period, Surgical Recovery, and paliative chemotherapy

All chemotherapy is seperated into Pre-surgery Chemotherapy (Course 1, Course 2, Course 3) and paliative chemotherapy

There were two surgeries, first, a simpler laproscopic surgery, then later a cytoreduction/HIPEC surgery

There are regular tests: CT/CAT scans & Blood work
There are doctors: Oncologists, Surgeons, Palliative care physician & Primary care physicians
There is the PICC, Port and IV for recieving Chemotherapy

Symptoms and side-effects related tags

Hair loss is important to a lot of chemo patients, and like many I lost most of the hair on my head and some of my body hair.

  • Length: Long hair & Short hair (I always had a short fuzz on my head throughout treatment)
  • Density: Full hair & Thin/sparse hair
  • Colour: Brown hair & Green (shortly after I met my oncologist, I dyed my hair because I knew I was going to lose it)
  • Other: Wigs (I don't wear a wig, there's very little stigma associated with being a 35 year old man and being bald)
  • Beard: No beard, Short beard & Long beard (In 2022 I shaved the beard before it could fall out so masks would fit better)

Two common chemo side effects are Brain fog & Immunocompromisation.
All this is bad for your Mental health, especially when you also have Bipolar (II) disorder

Death & dying is a subject I imagine most cancer patients spent a lot of time thinking about, I know I do.