Cancer Selfies

Sep 28, 2022

I already know cycle two will be easier

Cycle 1 Day 14

Tomorrow starts Cycle 2. There will likely be six cycles, then some more testing, and then we'll know how well all of this is working.

I'm feeling a lot more calm and comfortable this time. I've got a good idea what's coming (three days of barely getting out of bed, one or two more feeling pretty rough), but I know I can expect the rest of the cycle to bring some energy and a lot more joy than I've been used to the previous couple of months.

Photo is black and white, a man with long hair stands on a beach with choppy waters and a dramatic sky

I love the fall clouds over Georgian Bay

A man with long green hair sits on a beach in front of a short tree growing out of the sand

The tree is pretty neat, but you should have seen the fossil coral on the rock I used as a support for the camera (I forgot to get a photo sorry)

A man with long green hair stands on a quiet cottage street, a few jackpines are in the background, sculpted by the wind

Can you tell which way the wind blows by the pines?

A man with long green hair stands on a beach, the water is choppy and the sky cloudy

Wasaga Beach #17

A man with long green hair stands on a grassy hill, the sky is cloudy A man with long green hair stands on a grassy hill in front of some trees, the sky is cloudy A man with long green hair stands on a grassy hill, the water is visible in the background