Looking back at announcement day
Friends, thank you for consistantly giving me an escape from a world dominated by existential terrors at every turn. Thank you for keeping me in cute animal photos through chemo and scans and dozens of blood draws. You made it easy to be hopeful when it was possible to be hopeful, and have helped me be peaceful, level and calm now that there's nothing to do but wait. Each and every one of you is fantastic, and while I may have been able to get this far without you, why would I ever want that?
Gone is the pain (literal and figurative) I felt when I wrote this, gone is the terror of the unknown. The horror remains, at least a little bit, but mostly what I feel on this anniversary is gratitude. Thanks for being there, and I sincerely hope you'll remain. It's going to be sad, but there'll be cats at least.
The following was originally posted August 19, 2022
Friends, this is not going to be a happy post. I understand if you take a pass, just know that you're all important to me, you brighten and give colour to my life, and that I love you all.
I've been diagnosed with cancer of the appendix. Its already spread to at least two other places. This is the source of the gut/abdominal/belly button pain I've been complaining about for a while. We've only suspected for just over two weeks. and only had it confirmed this week, so I don't know what the outlook is like, but I'm choosing to be hopeful.
Work friends, please keep this to yourselves. Work is the only place I can pretend things are normal right now and that is important to my mental health.
All friends, please don't tell me you're praying for me. That's often used as a passive aggressive threat towards atheists, and while I know you don't mean it that way, I'm already emotionally spent.
Again, you all mean the world to me, and the world is a better place having all you in it ❤