At the risk of oversharing
Cycle 6, Day 10
The bone pain was excruciating, second worst continuous pain I've ever felt in my life, but fortunately only lasted two days. And I was able to be active, it really only hurt when I tried to rest. I did all my Decemberween projects during the worst of it. Don't recommend, but I know what to expect next time, so I'm not afraid or anxious about facing it again.
I'm pretty open about almost everything I'm going through. For reasons I cannot explain, sharing extremely private information about my diagnosis, prognosis, etc., is second nature to me. It would feel strange for me not to share. But the fact that I'm stuck inside my apartment several days a week because of diharea (colloquially, although much of the time medically) seems to embarrassing or crass to share. But I'm feeling spicy today, so here's the facts: bowl cancer, chemotherapy, and more than a few of the other medications I'm on really screw things up, I keep immodium on my person at all times (and have since the spring). I've made it work, but I've missed out on a lot of stuff I've wanted to do (nothing planned, but nice days for walls and such).
Humans will adjust to damn near anything.
From the comments
James Petrosky: In case you're wondering: it's as delightfully soft and squishy as it looks. 10/10 strong recommend