Ghouls are still out there
When you get diagnosed with a serious disease, the flood gates open to all that quasi legal direct drug marketing. You are inudated with smiling people in lab coats, with their perfectly chosen glasses and pure white smiles.
I've met scientists, and these are not they are not. These are amoung the lowest of the low, marketers. But I'm not here to take on marketers, at least they're hawking a product with some evidence behind it.
The moment you're life starts to be about hospice care, and pallieative medicine, the true monsters crawl out of the woodwork. The purveyers of fake medicine (largely harmless en mass, but deadly to you, kind) who are sure that whatever fad diet they like this week and some yoga will kick those tumours asses (and if not, remember, you just didn't try hard enough). There are the health cults, which are the same as the first group but really want to get their kill count up before their caught. They'll come in the form of gurus and faith healers (especially faith healers, never, ever trust someone with an invisible, untestable product.
Then you've got piles and piles and piles of traditional practices. I don't make time in my day for any of that, but it's your life, if its part of your tradition then I hope you get what you need from it, and if it isn't maybe consider your last mortal action not being one of appropriation.
I would relish conversation on a lot of subjects. This isn't one of them.
The following was originally posted September 1, 2023
I was writing a post about the evils of complementary and alternative medicine and my power went out 😮
Coincidence? I mean, yeah, probably, those fiends are too busy finding cancer patients to take advantage of
From the comments
James Petrosky: Got an issue with my fundamental point here? I encourage you to go do some good quality research. I'm not available to argue about to ❤️
James Petrosky: If it makes you feel better, new agers and faith healers are similarly problematic. Also not debating this.
Ron: Not enough is made of the fact that people who push that crap are actively preventing people who need real help from getting it in time to matter. Evil indeed.
James Petrosky: Ron I was reading my memories and it apparently took less than a day for the algorithm to serve up this kind of stuff to me. Skepticism has long been one of my interests, so I'm okay, but not everyone would be