Cancer Selfies

Jul 09, 2023

Jealous of Hank Green, but not for the reason you'd think

Is it weird that I'm kind of jealous that Hank Green gets to try radiation treatment for his cancer and I won't get to? (yes I got to do surgery and he probably won't but shhhh)

(I'm mostly joking but it's an experience I won't have (and probably don't want) and could have had if mine was caught at an earlier stage)

(this video isn't essential viewing, just a jumping off point for a weird emotion I had)

From the comments

James Petrosky: He also did so many fewer cycles than me, but his chemo sounds a lot harsher. It's curative, though, so patient comfort is less of a concern than with a palliative treatment like mine. It took ten cycles for me to have similar side effects to what he had after two.