New Year's Eve 2023
Happy New Year, from Lady Thomasin and her caretaker. May the coming trip around the sun bring you health, adventure and as many corgwen as you'd like to pet.
The rest of this is going to be pretty serious. Check out here and enjoy a cat in a hat she hates (she stole it and attacked it after this photo) if that isn't for you.
Based on my prognosis, and basic math (you can't do math on a prognosis, though), I am very likely to see another New Year's Eve, but only one more. Which is crushingly sad and upsetting, but being sad and upset isn't going to change that hard fact.
My resolution for my final year is to live deliberately and with enthusiasm.
I practice, I want to celebrate holidays, attend festivals, visit cool places, work through my long todo list, and hopefully, finally, get to meet a corgi. I'm not going to let missing things bother me too much, though, because my focus is on doing cool stuff, not dwelling on lost opportunity (dwelling on things is the way of madness, I'm glad I no longer have the impulse).
My January plans are lots of little adventures with friends I haven't seen in a few months. My first exciting plan is for my birthday/Groundhog's Day, I would love to see Wiarton Willie and partake in Wiarton's Groundhog's Day festival. I've literally wanted to do it since I was four or five (it's day 4 of my cycle, which is rough, but I drove to Sudbury on day 4 so it's not impossible, but we don't dwell on missed opportunities).
My secondary resolution is to try and take even more photos of myself, especially with other people, and record more videos. I'm really excited for this one, and I want to get more confident about doing both in public. Even now, in the situation I find myself in, self improvement and working though fears feels really nice, and I'd love to get that experience a few times.
Everything I've resolved is a natural extension of what I've been doing, so I'm confident I'll be able to hold to it, and excited to try. I hope everyone has similar hope and excitement for their coming year, and if anyone in Simcoe county can introduce me to a corgi I'd be greatdul for the rest of my life.