Cancer Selfies

Sep 18, 2023

Pre-paliative CT scan #2

I have a CT scan in an hour.

I've had anxiety about CT scans before. But treatment reduced or eliminated symptoms, so in my memory I wasn't too worried.

I have no confidence about this one. Symptoms are tolerable, but measurably worse. And the source of the agonizing pain, the primary symptom that told me something was wrong, has been eliminated perminantly twice over.

I'm in the dark. I don't talk to my oncologist until after Thanksgiving.

I'm tired. I don't want to be a professional cancer patient anymore. I just want this to be over.

But that's not available to me.

From the comments

James Petrosky: Thanksgiving is October 9fh. I see my oncologist on the 11th.

James Petrosky: It went fine. My physical reaction to the machine and the contrast was the same as always. I think my anxiety spike is getting worse each time, but I don't really remember the scan I had in the spring very well now, and my anxiety has been much worse post surgery.