Cancer Selfies

Jan 07, 2024

Curried Soul

I made a curry! The first real meal I've made in over a month. It's so incredibly hard to find the energy, but stop gap measures (eggs, canned food, etc.) only work so long.

From the comments

James Petrosky:It's extremely good, but I made a few grocery shopping errors, so I look forward to following things more closely in the future.

James Petrosky:I genuinely do try to take care of myself, but I'm tired all the time whether I do or don't. I generally don't feel the sensation of hunger, which complicates things way more than you'd expect. And I generally can't tolerate fast food anymore, which may not be great quality fold, but is Big Mac meal is 1000 easy calories I no longer can easily access.

James Petrosky:Since day one of treatment, my mass has been 115kg or within 2kg above it. I'm terrified of the prospect of losing any. That's a one way trip that leads to a skeletal look. I spent the last week worrying that it was finally my time, but now I'm not worried. I can still eat. I still want to eat. I can still get through this.