Wanna see the line they put in my neck?
From the comments
Gena Radcliffe: I have to admit that when I had the dialysis port in my chest I was fascinated by it.
James Petrosky: Gena Radcliffe they're so cool, all the benefits of my old PICC with many fewer of the cat risks
Exciting news! The port they inserted under my skin is about the size of a toonie (3cm diameter, just over 1 inch) and can easily be felt from the skin's surface.
Honestly the part I have a harder time with is the fact that the line coming out of it can also be felt over a length of around 5cm.
I've got two 50mm (roughly 2in) square bandages on my chest and neck. They itch so bad. (and when I touch them I can feel the thing they put under my skin and it's weirrrrd)