VLog: August 21, 2023
A very exciting laundry day
A very exciting laundry day
Have I talked about this blog project before? Because its going well now.
A brief discussion about the consequences of the power being out
In search of the Bog Beast of Bala
I talk about the cricket
A trip to the zoo
I'm trying a longer walk today
More on the blog project
At the Big Chute Marine Railway, acomplishing things from my todo list
First time I mention the project you're reading right now
What my prognosis means, explained with geese
Its biopsy anniversary day!
Another nothing day
Recovery is still so, so slow (again)
Recovery is still so, so slow (featuring the noisy cricket)
I'm very tired from the weekend's activities
Back in Northern Ontario for a baby shower/family reunion. Also, today is another anniversary.
Still excited about the good news
Good news from the oncologist
Why I have so many Squishmallows, also its my Cancerversary! I made a video, too.