Lost my keys again
I've lost my car keys again. Third time since Labour Day. I never used to lose my keys, but I have a real hard time with this sort of thing these days. But how to navigate Timmins, Ontario, a city I haven't really visited since 2004? No fucking problem.
From the comments
James Petrosky: Yes I have a place I always put them. I was extremely surprised to not find them there. But things can get confusing when bringing in groceries, hands are full when I pass by the spot, and between putting away yoghourt and egg nog (it's been available since September 27th) and keeping Thomasin from escaping, I have lost all memory of everything.
Yes, Timmins isn't a terrifically complex place to navigate. And probably looks little like when I was last there. But it's still the kind of thing I remain capable of remembering