Cancer Selfies

Sep 14, 2022

PICC install day

The PICC line, for those (like myself) who were unaware, is a line inserted into a vein in my non dominant forearm that extends to the heart. I'm glad I was ignorant until minutes before the procedure, because that is the stuff of nightmares for me, even if the actual result felt, at worst, a bit weird

A man with green hair and a beard is laying in bed holding a large Squishmallow fish

It's hard to sleep some days, procedure days especially.

A man with green hair and a beard is wearing a hospital gown, phone visible in classic mirror selfie pose

Hospital gown, pre PICC

A man with green hair and a beard is wearing a hospital gown, holding his arm up showing off a fabric mesh on his upper arm, which protects his new PICC

I feel like a pear

A man with green hair and a beard is in street clothes outside the hospital, Photo 1

Outside RVH

A man with green hair and a beard is in street clothes outside the hospital, Photo 2

Outside RVH

A man with green hair and a beard is in street clothes outside the hospital, showing off the mesh again

Still a pear

Sep 13, 2022

On the types of chemotherapy

There are many sorts of chemotherapy. Which makes sense, cancer is a collection of diseases of various tissues.

There are many sorts of chemotherapy. Which makes sense, different tumors and different cancers are going to have different vulnerabilities.

There are many sorts of chemotherapy. Which makes sense, side effects are an important consideration, and the risks must always be balanced with the benefits of the drugs.

There are many sorts of chemotherapy. Which makes sense, some are used to prepare for surgery, or to remove the cancer completely. Others are palliative, used to prolong life and minimise pain.

Friends, my chemotherapy is palliative. Which isn't to say my oncologist has given up on me, this round of chemotherapy is simultaneously the correct standard of care and the necessary first step to get a more advanced treatment.

The PICC goes in tomorrow, and the first round of chemo starts the day after. I've never been more tired and overwhelmed in my life.

My parents are visiting this week, which is a great comfort, and they've brought my best poodles, Annie (golden labradodle) and Bessie (black standard poodle). I've saved this post for the day I got lots of good photos, maybe it'll help lighten things a touch.

A man with green hair and a beard lays in bed with two plastic halloween skulls on his sholders

Posting with my skulls

A man with green hair and a beard lays in bed with two plastic halloween skulls and two Squishmallows

Some friends joined the skulls

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with a golden standard poodle

Annie the labradoodle

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with his mother

My mother

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with the sky in the background A man with green hair and a beard is outside with a black standard poodle out of frame, Photo 1

Bessie is too energetic to easily photoshop

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with a black standard poodle out of frame, Photo 2

Still too active

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with a black standard poodle out of frame, Photo 3

Still too active

A man with green hair and a beard is outside with a black standard poodle out of frame, Photo 4 A man with green hair and a beard is out of frame, a black standard poodle stands at attention, partially obscured by a golden standard poodle

Bessie yes, me no

A man with green hair and a beard is partially out of frame, a black standard poodle stands at attention, almost entirely obscured by a golden standard poodle

Damnit Annie, Bessie was so good here

A man with green hair and a beard is hugging a black standard poodle who is too excited for stillness

I finally caught my poodle

A man with green hair and a beard is hugging a black standard poodle who is much too excited for stillness

My best poodle ❤️

A man with green hair and a beard is hugging a black standard poodle who has booped him in her excitement

She bopped me pretty good because she wanted to trot around again