What to get for a person with cancer
Hank Green is also dealing with cancer, and exactly as you'd expect, has been vlogging his experiences. I love this video, I learned a lot from it. If you know someone with cancer, consider taking ten minutes out of your day to watch it. It's fantastic.
From the comments
James Petrosky: I got a lot of soup in tupperwear at the start. It was very kind. But I don't like soup, and couldn't eat some of it because it had apple sauce in it and I had a bad chemo-applesauce adventure. And the added dishes were not much, but more than I wanted to deal with.
Early on, after I'd had a month to process but was just starting to tell people, there were a few coworkers (no one who can read this, won't ask, I won't tell) who it felt like I had to do the work of emotionally comforting over my diagnosis with a ter… See more
Being told "ask if you need anything", unless you're my family or partner, is just asking me to become a manager for my own care. I already use all my management capacity between the four doctors I regularly see, home care visits, pharmacy trips, blood… See more
It's a shame it took a full course of treatment to get to this point. In a better world, I'd be done treatment right now, maybe to need it again in a year or so. But that's the way of things.
All this being said, if you've done anything for me - even as simple as animal photos when I've asked, thank you. I couldn't have made it here, with my mental health largely intact, without you