Cancer Selfies

Aug 21, 2024

Windemere: 2008

Every morning, I look forward to what Facebook memories has for me. Are they emotional landmines that will take me hours to resolve, leaving me better able to deal with my condition tomorrow? Will they be presently unresolvible, causing damage until I can put them from my head?

Or will they be a photo from an adventure I had, years before I had the understanding of selfies.

Today is an anniversary of one of the times I took my long term partner in university out to the camp. 2008 could be first or second trip out. I didn't drive and she didn't have a car, so I know the logistics were terrible.

We were on our ways up Grazing inlet, having just left the ghost town of Nicholson to visit whatever of the Tremblay clan was kicking about.

Grazing Inlet, and much of Lake Windemere in general, was carved direct from the rock gouged and scratched during the areas glacial maximum.

Tldr this is how I looked in university, and until I switched it all up for hospital gowns I was doing pretty okay, fashion wise.

The following was originally posted August 21, 2023

I pay a lot of attention to both Facebook memories and the like these days, but I did not expect the gift they gave this morning.

From August 21st, 2008