Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 2
Last night, at around 9PM, I ate a slice of pizza. By the time I was done eating, I knew something was very wrong. My whole abdomen hurt with an intensity only beaten by my pre diagnosis cancer. I should have gone to the ER at this point, but went to sleep instead.
I woke up in still significant, but much reduced, pain and knew I had to go to the ER. I was reasonably sure that what was wrong with me was a bowel obstruction. Tumors along the intestine are a common cause, and unfortunately I have those.
It was a partial bowel obstruction. The doctor knew it as soon as he read my history. Unfortunately proving it with tests took the whole day.
I've been admitted, hopefully not for too long. Since my obstruction is partial, just letting my bowels do their thing, while controlling pain and keeping me hydrated, under observation, might work. I haven't been spoken with about other options yet.