Cancer Selfies

Thursday April 18, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 7: Discharged

I've been discharged, I'm home. We're pretty much where we were on Monday. I've got instructions on how to manage this new condition, but managing is all there is to do. There is no cure, no further treatment. This is just another part of my life now.

Thursday April 18, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 6: Hydromorphone

Not sure if I'm more tired of the pain or being extremely high all the time.

From the comments

James Petrosky: Someone in the room has decided that we would all love to hear their country music. I made sure to pack multiple pairs of headphones so I wouldn't accidentally expose anyone to dinosaur podcasts. I'm extremely frustrated but unable to do anything about it

Tuesday April 16, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 4: Ice Cream

It's not all bad, my doctor's ordered full fluids lunch included a doctor's ordered vanilla ice cream

From the Comments

James Petrosky:And I got tea! Coffee this morning was pretty disappointing. I should have tea after meals more, I always really enjoy it in hospitals

James Petrosky: Ron Bedison I'll get into the habbit for a few weeks at a time, then go visit someone or something else to break the cycle, and forget I was doing it. Before this round of chemo, I was having tea and cookies most days in an attempt to eat 5 smaller meals. Chemo ruined that one.

Becca Simmons: My more rural family always drink coffee after a meal. Like, always. It's honestly really nice and idk why I don't do it except around them

James Petrosky: Becca Simmons my parents do the same, and the way they make coffee it would be so easy to make a cup of tea, too, but I never ask. It's a nice little ritual, especially if you pick your deserts to go well with coffee

Monday April 15, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 3: NG Tube

I'm not having the best day

From the comments

James Petrosky: I had the tube after surgery. The tube was my least favourite part of my time in hospital post surgery. I don't think I've ever agreed to something I wanted less than the tube this time

Mica Richard: At least you're a cute elephant? Seriously though feel better ❤️

Sunday April 14, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 2

Last night, at around 9PM, I ate a slice of pizza. By the time I was done eating, I knew something was very wrong. My whole abdomen hurt with an intensity only beaten by my pre diagnosis cancer. I should have gone to the ER at this point, but went to sleep instead.

I woke up in still significant, but much reduced, pain and knew I had to go to the ER. I was reasonably sure that what was wrong with me was a bowel obstruction. Tumors along the intestine are a common cause, and unfortunately I have those.

It was a partial bowel obstruction. The doctor knew it as soon as he read my history. Unfortunately proving it with tests took the whole day.

I've been admitted, hopefully not for too long. Since my obstruction is partial, just letting my bowels do their thing, while controlling pain and keeping me hydrated, under observation, might work. I haven't been spoken with about other options yet.

Sunday April 14, 2024

Partial Bowel Obstruction Part 1: ER Visit

Guess who's been in the ER all morning! When I finally get out of here I need to pick up a new laser pointer and some catnip because it was that friggin pizza that did it to me

From the Comments

James Petrosky: No idea what's wrong yet, should have realistically come in last night but I was too tired to make decisions. Have had an xray or two.

James Petrosky: I've been between 5-8 pain for 16 hours now and that's getting a bit exhausting

Mareile S. Håland: Dr Thomasin MD! 😮 She tried to warn you!

Monday September 12, 2022

Phone Anxiety

Fun fact! Phone anxiety only gets worse when it's literally a matter of life and death

From the comments

James Petrosky: Okay I whine but I think it's all done. Turns out the trick is to short circuit my worry circuits with the care circuits by putting "order flee medication for Thomasin" last because I will always put off stuff for me but cats are much too important
James Petrosky: To anyone worrying, it's important but not iminant. I need to get some CT scan results to someone at another hospital, but apparently the best/only way to so that is a USB drive.

James Petrosky: It's not like I'm not calling an ambulance because I'm too nervous, is what I mean.
Stefanie: James Petrosky really in this day and age they can’t send the files over in a better more accessible way? That’s really unfortunate
James Petrosky: Stefanie patient confidentiality is the killer, I think
Stefanie: James Petrosky it makes sense but it’s unfortunate given you probably can’t like mail it
James Petrosky: Stefanie I think it's a USB drive, so I might be able to mail it. Once I have it I'm calling and asking how they want it sent
James Petrosky: It's a CD/DVD. What is this, 2005?
I can't even look at the files 😆
Stefanie: James Petrosky damn that’s really old school (says the nurse who was still sending out patients with CDs last year 😆) yeah you probably can’t because of software needs and they put some super security measures on them for confidentiality
James Petrosky: Stefanie no I can't because I haven't owned a CD drive in almost a decade