Picking apart symptoms
Trying to pick apart symptom causes is hard. Yeah, the cancer is obviously leaving me a specific sort of tired all the time, and limits my endurance on activities. It also does wild and continuously changing things to my digestive system. I'm taking a break from cannibis, in part so that there are fewer potential complications at the dentist Monday, but also because its periodically a good idea. That obviously causes changes in apitite and sleep, too.
But all that doesn't seem enough to explain how tired I am right now, at least I hope it doesn't, since I've slept for most of two days (one after an outing is normal, not two). I know I'm not drinking enough water, my tap water has always been awful and, because of the tooth, I'm trying to cut back on pop and juice. And it feels like food is sitting in my belly, not doing anything, which is absolutely a chemo side effect but not one I'm terribly familiar with outside of that.
Anyways I'm going to see if I can get my hands on a Covid-19 rapid test tomorrow. Exhaustion and digestive problems are 100% explained by the cancer, but still something feels off.
If I do have it, I was either exposed on Tuesday at the gallery or Sunday in Huntsville, either way useless for the contact tracing we're not doing. And that puts me on day 2 or 4 and I'm just as tired as I was after September 10th when I did my Burleigh Falls outcrop trip. So if it's positive, it's very mild.
From the comments
James Petrosky: There are no respiratory symptoms at all, so I didn't even consider it. I spent most of the summer lying down and resting, spending two days doing that after a night of insomnia doesn't even feel worth mentioning.
I had attributed the insomnia to the cannibis, normally I have some before bed to help me sleep, and insomnia is a discontinuation symptom in some people. But covid also matches it. Too many variables, no where near enough data.