Cancer Selfies

Monday January 15, 2024

Pre-chemo anxiety part 2

I'm doing a lot better today. I solved a problem with my drug plan that was killing me with anxiety and actually ate. I don't want to chemo, because who would, but I'm ready.

From the comments

James Petrosky:I had my regularly scheduled call with my social worker from the cancer centre today. This is the third consecutive time where had the appointment been a day earlier, I'd have had something major to work through, but instead I've been able to deal with my problems on my own/with friends and family's support. I'm not complaining, I just think the timing is pretty funny. Plus I'm proud of myself for being able to work through my problems pretty effectively.

Monday January 01, 2024

Saturday December 09, 2023

Monday November 27, 2023

Friday November 24, 2023

Sunday September 03, 2023

Chemotherapy and Hair

I reflected on this on September 3, 2024

I miss my long hair, and my green hair, and especially the few days it was blue hair. I did a thing I'd half heartedly wanted to do for a decade, and I'm glad I did. It's nice that not everything in my Facevook memories is an emotional timebomb I've got to work through.

The following was originally posted August 30, 2022

If the chemo is going to take my hair, I'm going to have fun with it first

A man with long dark hair and a beard stands in a well lit room A man with newly bleached long blond hair A man with long green hair sits in a computer chair A man with long green hair sits in a computer chair holding a plastic skull

From the Comments

James Petrosky: *it isn't a forgone conclusion that I'll lose my hair, and I'm pretty excited about this whole thing