The weird way pain manifests
I think, through culture and experience, we all understand that cancer brings a lot of pain. Friends, they don't lie, but I've never seen anyone talk about how weird that pain can be.
This message brought to you by my body interpreting skin stretching, of the regular sort that might happen if you were laying on your side, as somewhere between discomfort and pain.
From the comments
JamesP: In some people and cases, constipation can register as back or hip pain. For me, it's every time I need to use the washroom.
JamesP And, just for fun, I get random stabbing pains throughout my pelvic region. I suspect this is an impacted nerve. It can happen any time, but generally comes in clusters and usually with other sources of pain
Christine Otterman: I guess it's got to be an all around unnatural experience. It would be hard to not be suspicious of what it is and what it means. It's probably difficult to articulate, therefore no one talks about it!
Janet Dorion That sucks. I can't imagine. You are so strong!
James Petrosky It's a bad situation, but I'm usually feeling okay much of thday, although the evening is devoted to pain management so that I can enjoy the next day as much as possible.
Brennan Moline: Susan Sontag, in writing about her own cancer, once discussed how pain tests the limits of human language. That it becomes incredibly isolating because it's impossible to truly explain to someone else.