Cancer Selfies

Apr 25, 2024

Moving Day! Part 2

I'm at a hotel in Sudbury, my destination for the day. A few things:

  • Thomasin is enjoying exploring the hotel room, I also let her out on the car while I was taking bathroom breaks and she loved exploring there, too. She's only left my apartment once since I adopted her, so today is a very big day

  • There is a pagent going on in the hotel for adult women. I didn't know those were a thing. It's pretty cool. I chatted with someone I assumed was a judge but who was actually a really enthusiastic participant

  • A lot of the tv stations I can receive are American. I will never, ever get used to drug ads. But they're a price I'll pay for The Fifth Element, which is easily the best thing I've ever seen in a hotel

From the comments

Kate Lux: Yeah, there are "Mrs ___" pageants (25-40, I think) and I think ones for seniors too.

James Petrosky: Kate Lux the world can be a strange and beautiful place. It does explain the women my age in prom dresses I saw when I arrived, though. James Petrosky: Even in a strange place like Sudbury, you don't have weddings on a Thursday. Which was the only reason I could think of