Cancer Selfies

Friday July 12, 2024

Converging on Hospice

I don't have a lot of answers, and have even less energy to share what I do have, but increasingly all roads are converging onto hospice care. Thank you all for your love and support these past years, I couldn't have made it this far without you.

From the comments

Eva Bowering: Love you James. My heart has been with you on your long journey and I will wish you nothing but peace as you transition onward to hospice care. Thinking of you and your closest loved ones.

Janet Dorion: Oh James. We love you more than you know. Miss you so much 😢 💔

Lan L.: oh my dear, we all love you too

Ross Keith: Love you man. We’re all here with you

Cynthia Davis: Hugs James, my thoughts are with you. And geese, geese are with you too 🪿

Park Parkison: Thinking of you, James. ❤️

Emily Hutchinson: Thinking of you. Hoping for a peaceful move into hospice and whatever the future brings.

Dawn Gildenmeister: Thinking of you. We love you. 💗

Holly Kay: Love you so much! Big hugs.

Monica Bell: Sending love your way, and cat pictures ❤️

Sherri Lynn Singer: We are all thinking about you; we are with you.

Beverley Singer: Hugs my brave nephew!💕

Sarah Baggs: Love you, buddy.

Brennan Moline: Sending so much love to you. You are an amazing friend.

Katie Schaefer: Despite only knowing you through shared fandom FB groups, I am sending you all the love. I wish we could hang out in person to discuss the wonder that is Geese, how silly cats are, and debate about which squishmallow is the cutest. ♥️

Jack Cuellar: Love you, pal.

Joe Patrick: Sending love, James. I’m so happy that our paths crossed.

Aaron Lyttle: Love ya James

Jon Muggleton: Oh, man, I was just thinking about you. Love you, man, and hope this gets you some peace.

Julie Campbell: Hugs, my friend

Sarah Snider: I’m sorry, friend ❤️

Elysia Yardley: Sending you so much love right now, James. Zoey getting a kiss ♥️. I’m here if you need to talk

Katie Tremblay: We are thinking about you and sending so much love. 💜🩷

Gail Coulter Cyr: Hugs my friend/cousin, you have been a real warrior!!

Anthony Daley Di Poce: Thank you for sharing all of your adventures with us.

David Richman: I am so sorry.

Mica Richard: Love you James, thanks for the update

Alex Schroeder: We love you and thank you for everything

Ashleigh Latimer: Luv you ! If I can do anything let me know!!

Peter Tremblay: You've been a real inspiration Jimmy. We love you and think of you all the time. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Lara Baker Whelan: I have so admired your candor and bravery as you shared your journey. I wish you peace and love on this next stage. Even though we never met in person, I know I will think of you always.

Kevin Q Gray: Love you James, thank you for sharing your journey, it has meant so much to many and continues to do so.

Charles Meier: See you on the other side

TeJay Wonch: Sending you love from Minnesota

Cindy Claussen: Wishing you all the comfort of these two snuggled together.

Laura Brzezinski: ❤ and 🫂 🤗 Will always be part of the "dream team" (Target). Lols. I hope you will be allowed to see your kitty in hospice. ❤ Sending you thoughts and geese maybe a few raccoons too

Ivy Clark: You are a witty and lovable person and I love hearing your perspective. ❤️

Sam Selby: Ah jeez. Sorry it's taken a bit of a turn. We love you 💖

Dayna Normand: I'm hanging out on my porch, with a cat that I don't own but I think you would enjoy him. Sending you all the positive vibes James

Domino Bay: I love you so much, James. I am so honored to have been able to be part of your life in our little internet circle.

Helen Herbst LaStar: Fuck. Sending love and my invisible dog. We wish you comfort.

Jeremy Simington: You're a graceful warrior, James. Peace, brother.

Rina Haenze: Garak and I send love (along with his blep).

Cecile Tremblay: Love you Jim, you'll always be my baby cousin. Xo

Malcolm Nygard: You are wonderful. Let me know if I can do anything, or if you ever want to talk.

Becca Simmons: Love you, friend. Tina sends slow blinks.

Kevin O'Leary: Knowing you, even if only online, is an enriching and wonderful experience. I hope the hospice transition is as smooth as ot can be

Melodie Younce: hugs ❤️

Lilly Hill: The beebs, almost as cool as you but not quite, hope the pain fucks off for the most part ❤️❤️

Lina John: Thinking of you James ❤️🙌🏾 sending you love and balcony pigeons

Jenny Maurer: Jesus ❤️

Beverley Singer: Love you James! I have travelled this way, along side of you. Let them rid you of this pain.

Kris Lin: Knowing you, even through silly internet posts is a joy. I hope you find peace and a release from the pain. Sending love ❤️

Heather Reller: Little Buddy says hello and hopes you feel ok soon!!

Margaret Miller: I have only known you through the flop house group and what you've written on your own page, and I want to thank you for all of it. It has felt like an honor to get to be a witness to your life and your dying. I will never forget you.

Juha Heikkilä: Love you. You are so so loved.

Sarah Hendricks: Thinking of you

Laurel Ivy: I wish things were different. Sending you good vibes, my friend. 🫂.

Katie Tremblay: So many touching messages. Wow - you are so loved. ❤

Jenny Lou Santoro: 🦆 Thinking of you .... hugs hugs hugs 🦃. I couldn’t find a goose. Hope a duck and a turkey work. 😻 and a cat of course!

Wendy D Hooving: ((~hugs~))

박선재: Hi James. I am your cousin John McKenna’s wife Sophia. We have never met, but I’ve heard about you. Sending our love and prayers to you❤️

Saturday July 06, 2024

Friday July 05, 2024


This photo is supposed to be with Winnie the Poo in White River, Ontario, halfway to the Manitoba border. The first leg of my grand cross country adventure.

This photo is instead in the hospital in Elliot Lake. The pain is immense. I don't know what's wrong. I do know there is no trip.

From the comments

Grace Tomczak: At least you’re a cute seven.

Claire Ohrling: Grace Tomczak haha I came here to make the same joke 😄

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