Cancer Selfies

Friday August 23, 2024

Healy 2019

️Healy 2019
️Healy 2019

In 2019, I took my first real vacation with Alicia. We visited my parents camp at Healey, Ontario, near my hometown of Chapleau. As close to any place in the world ever could be, Healey is my home. It's where I spent my summers until I departed for university, and where I hurried back to when those university summers allowed. It was special to me in a way no where else could be.

Alicia and I spent the week exploring the lake (Como Creek, Grazing Inlet, the falls, the ghost town of Nicholson, packed with living Petroskys and Tremblay), fishing, hiking and exploring dead logging roads. Plant and animal identification guides in hand (soft cover books, your kilometres, or a lucky hill, away from reception) we looked at flowers and mushrooms and tried to figure out which red berry was which. At least sugar plums/service berries/Saskatoon berries, blueberries and raspberries are easy and rewarding to identify.

Chapleau is a place with little left for me, although I was looking forward to my final visit this summer. I was going to plan it like one of my central Ontario outlines, focusing on claims to fame, old restaurants, weird signs and the like. There's have been enough for an afternoon and a video. And I'd have liked to have done that.

Alicia got an informal version of they trip, the adventure that came four years before the first cancer adventure. It was nostalgic for me, and as always just a little bittersweet. Chapleau isn't the Chapleau I knew (nor should it be, I left).

The next trip I planned with Alicia was past the pandemic, past a mental health crisis or two, past diagnosis, HIPEC's failure and past this last round of chemo. On July 5th, we were to set out towards Alberta to meet dinosaurs and the ruins of Frank and accidentally be in Calgary during the stampede and none of it ever happened. Because that week the cancer won.

The cancer was ways going to win. And I don't care that it has. My capacity for adventure has decreased, but I'll wake up every morning seeking it. And these days, I'm pretty good at finding it, too.

Scrap-Book Post

Saturday November 19, 2022

A trip to the zoo

Cycle 5 Day 11

I visited the Toronto zoo with my partner today ❤️ It was a good day, but I learned how much by ability to produce and retain body heat has been affected.

A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask stands in front of rhinoceros in an indoor enclosure


A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask around his neck stands in front of some Canada geese on some grass

Assorted geese

A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is in front of a fish tank with  two large fish in it, one long and the other squat

This fish hid behind a pillar for five minutes and I just wanted to be friends

A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is in front of a window with a large constrictor snake coiled behind it

Long friend

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat stands excitedly in front of an enclosure with a sleeping tiger in it

Big kitty

A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is in front of an enclosure with a large tortoise in it, the tortoise faces the camera A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is looking down on an enclosure with a pygmy hippo relaxing in the water

So little, so huge

A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is next to a woman with medium length black hair, a red winter coat and a surgical mask, they are hugging and are in front of the pygmy hippo enclosure


A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is in front of an enclosure with several meerkats in it


A man wearing a red toque, a high visibility winter coat and an N95 mask is in front of an enclosure with an African crested porcupine in it

Spikey boi

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat points at geese behind him while holding a blue slushie

More geese ❤️

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat indicates a blury cheatah in the background

Fast kitties

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat stands in front of a lion enclosure, several lions are visible in a cuddle pile

Lions 😮

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat stands in front a Canada goose, which is calmly walking down the sidewalk

Damn I love geese

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat sits next to an orangutan statue, his arm over its sholder

I made a friend!

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat sits next to a snow leopard and kitten statue, embracing the mother cat

More friends!

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat stands in front of a polar bear enclosure, three bears are visible doing important bear things

Bears are friend shaped

A man wearing a red toque and a high visibility winter coat stands in front of an arctic wolf enclosure, the wolves are playing like dogs might

So many wolves 😮

From the comments

Some additional photos (without me in them)

A goat stands in enclosure with ramps for it to climb and walkways over the sidewalks, other goats are visible in the distance

Goat friend!

A sumatran tiger sleeps in a den made from large slabs of rock, the enclosure is covered in fallen leaves

Sumatran tiger

Two orange frogs rest in a terrarium filled with leaves and grasses

Froggies ❤️

A dark brown frog speckled with lighter patches rests in a terrarium, facing away from the camera, its hind legs give the impression that it has butt cheeks

Frog butt 😮

A large juvanile cheatah stalks along the chain link fence that makes up its enclosure

Cheatah kitten (big)

A snow leopard stands on rocks in its enclosure, surveying its domain

Show kitty

A pack of at least six wolves is visible at one end of their enclosure


Friday September 02, 2022

A visit with the oncologist

This was written on September 4th, 2022

A month less a day earlier, I learned I had cancer. In two weeks from today, I start chemotherapy. I don't want to rank my bad days, but these two are easily the worst of them. Its only through the power of amazing sushi (and my wonderful partner) that I look so calm here, because there do not exist words for how I felt.

Out goes the 1 Squishmellow per procedure plan, might as well just pile them on (Maggie the manta ray, Nabila the narhwal, Maurice the moose).

I never made it to work that day. So I never got to tell the people I wanted to in person. I'm sorry for that, but I can still barely function when writing this on the 4th.

A man with long dark hair tied back sits in the passanger seat of a car A man with long dark hair is burried by 5 Squishmellows

From the comments

James: I have to tie my hair back to wear my N95 masks, I don't love how it looks but fashion must be sacraficed for health