Cancer Selfies

Friday September 09, 2022

Sushi thief

Its not all bad, all my silly stuffed animals do honestly help. I surround myself in them and it's comforting. Except for Thomasin, who protests until she gets a whole side to herself.

Also, cheap supermarket sushi lunch. I can only eat sushi for another four days so I'm enjoying even the cheap stuff while I can. But someone else was also really interested in it, so we had to battle a bit. Don't worry, it's tuna melts for dinner, she's going to get her favourite fish, too.

A man with green hair laying with several Squishmallows

Maggie's little ray wings are so fun

A man with green hair laying with Nessie, a Squishmallows

Nessie is still my favourite though

A man with green keeps a piece of sushi out of reach of the orange cat on his lap, Photo 1

Thomasin /loves/ tuna in a way only an obsessive cat could (I have flee treatment on order from the vet, she scratches her chin like that every year and I forgot to get it proactively because it's been a wild summer for me)

A man with green keeps a piece of sushi out of reach of the orange cat on his lap, Photo 2

Thomasin also likes salmon, but less so, I didn't need to physically hold her back from this one

Friday September 02, 2022

A visit with the oncologist

This was written on September 4th, 2022

A month less a day earlier, I learned I had cancer. In two weeks from today, I start chemotherapy. I don't want to rank my bad days, but these two are easily the worst of them. Its only through the power of amazing sushi (and my wonderful partner) that I look so calm here, because there do not exist words for how I felt.

Out goes the 1 Squishmellow per procedure plan, might as well just pile them on (Maggie the manta ray, Nabila the narhwal, Maurice the moose).

I never made it to work that day. So I never got to tell the people I wanted to in person. I'm sorry for that, but I can still barely function when writing this on the 4th.

A man with long dark hair tied back sits in the passanger seat of a car A man with long dark hair is burried by 5 Squishmellows

From the comments

James: I have to tie my hair back to wear my N95 masks, I don't love how it looks but fashion must be sacraficed for health