Cancer Selfies

Monday October 03, 2022

Back at the marsh

Cycle 2, Day 5

Immediately noticeable side effects were pretty easy this time. I've learned how to properly take my side effect medicine, especially the one for nausea. My energy levels are back near where they were on last day 14.

But it was a bad weekend for my hair. After carefully brushing out a mat that developed over the weekend (probably started earlier, I've been really scared to touch it at all) I lost half a sink full. I knew this was coming.

A man with long green hair stands in front of a tree

Today I speak for the trees

A branch with leaves and unripe berries is in centre frame, a man with long green hair stands off to the left of it

I didn't intend for this plant to be in frame, but I'm going to try again sometime.

A man with long green hair sits on a bench on a narrow dirt road through a wetland

Waiting for my Catbus

A human is photographed from behind, only long green hair is visible, a road and wetland are visible

No geese, few ducks, two swans.

A man with long green hair sits on the ground, looking tired, on the side of a path through a wetland

I overdid it, I should have done the 2km walk, not the 3.5km one. I've just realized my mistake, but I already passed half way, so I have to keep going.

A man with long green hair sits on the ground, photographed through several blades of grass

The giant blade of grass at the middle left ruined a bunch or the great photos because it is a cruel abstraction

A man with long green hair lays in bed, an orange cat with wide eyes lies in front of him, a large Squishmallow fish next to him

I moved the Squishmallows to their hammocks and Thomasin is instantly happy to have her fifth favourite napping spot back. She immediately came for a snuggle and even let take this photo

From the comments

James Petrosky: My catbus has arrived

A repeat of the photo of a man sitting on a bench, with a Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro in the foreground

Friday September 23, 2022

I learned to paint my nails

Cycle 1, Day 8

This cycle is now more than half over. I'm looking forward to my next visit to the chemo lounge with some trepidation, knowing now what it's going to bring, but also with the knowledge that I do physically feel a lot more well with treatment than without. My quality of life has not been better in months.

However, I have to visit the hospital Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday for consultations, bloodwork, treatment, and other care. Being sick is exhausting, but beautiful fall days (that I forgot to document) like today make the whole mess so very worth it

A man with long green hair and no beard shows off his green painted fingernails

I gained a new skill!

A man with long green hair and no beard stands outside in front of a tree with leaves An animated GIF where man with long green hair and no beard holds an orange cat who is cleaning herself

I gained two new skills!

A man with long green hair and no beard holds an orange cat who is sleeping contentedly

From the comments

James Petrosky: Also I think I have a problem A kitchen chair is on a green grass lawn, four Halloween themed Squishmallows sit on it

James Petrosky: I'm not great yet, but I have lots of time to practice Photo of a hand with green painted nails

Wednesday September 21, 2022

Superstar, criminal kittycat & pumpkins

Cycle 1 Day 7

Lots today, let's do bullets!

  • Thomasin is a cute criminal (but very much a criminal)
  • Thomasin is surprisingly good on a harness ❤️
  • You should imagine me, driving down Balm Beach Road (short bit of highway between two towns, 80 limit), windows down, singing along with Karen Carpenter to Superstar, because I was on Balm Beach Road four times today and it happened each time (add karaoke to the remission list)
  • I love carving pumpkins, but I love eating pumpkin seeds even more (a project for tomorrow)
  • I love garlic bread as much as I love pumpkin seeds
  • Get your fucking booster, it's one of the things anyone can do that takes no effort that makes my life, and the life of all immunocompromised people, a little easier (it also helps you ❤️) (Ontarians of all ages can get the bivalent vaccine starting the 26th) I got mine today because I'm immunocompromised now and we qualify early
  • That's all, friends have a great night ❤️ (and maybe to listen to Superstar, if only to sing along to the chorus)


  • Sweet Chilli Heat Doritos remain the best instantaneous cure for nausea available commercially, which honestly makes no sense but has been true since at least 2007

A man with long green hair and no beard holds an orange cat, the cat is dressed as a 1930s prisoner, Photo 1

The pizza criminal is caught!

A man with long green hair and no beard holds an orange cat, the cat is dressed as a 1930s prisoner, Photo 2

A cute criminal

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a bowel full of pumpkin seeds

My seed haul

A man with long green hair and no beard holds large pumpkin with an Untitled Goose Game goose carved in it


A man with long green hair and no beard holds a large pumpkin with a surprised face carved on it

Shocked Pikachu (by accident)

A man with long green hair and no beard has an exadurated surprised expression and holds a large punpkin with a suprrised face carved on it

2x shocked Pikachu (on purpose)

A man with long green hair and no beard has a yelling expression and holds a large punpkin with a suprrised face carved on it

Who's that alarmingly red character?

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a large punpkin with a cat poorly carved into it

It was supposed to be a cat, I'm never using a paper stencil again

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a piece of garlic bread in a kitchen lit in purple light, Photo 1

Garlic bread

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a piece of garlic bread in a kitchen lit in purple light, Photo 2

Garlic bread ❤️

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a piece of garlic bread in a kitchen lit in purple light, Photo 3


From the comments

Three lit jack-o-lanturns sit in the dark


A lit jack-o-lanturn with an Untitled Goose Game goose carved on it sits in the dark

Honk! (I love this one so much)

A lit jack-o-lanturn with a shocked face carved on it sits in the dark


A lit jack-o-lanturn with a poorly carved cat on it sits in the dark

More demon than cat, but either way the dark redeams it

Tuesday September 20, 2022

Good days are possible with chemo

Cycle 1 Day 6

Even when you're sick with a potentially terminal illness, some days are just days. I did hobbies today. I played video games. I listened to podcasts without skipping around to only get light subject matter. I got some okay chip truck fries and baked them in a convection oven twice to make excellent chip truxk fries. I fired up my 3D printer for the first time since I was in trade school to make a joke at my own expense. I finally, one year later, finished modifying a Value Village tripod and took not great (but lots of fun) night photos.

Some days are just normal. They're rare. I treasure them.

A man with long green hair and no beard holds a plastic coin with text "understatement gold medal"

"UNDERSTATEMENT Gold Medal" (actually made of yellow PLA) in commemoration of me giving cancer a 0/10 rating

A man with long green hair and no beard stands on a parking lot at night, the photo has motion blur"

I didn't take many photos, so you get this one of me figuring out how long it records

A man with long green hair and no beard stands in front of some decorative trees, the photo has motion blur"

My hair is extremely bush here

A man with long green hair and no beard sits at a picnic table on a beach with water in the background"

I love this photo ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

A man with long green hair and no beard sits on a rock at the Balm Beach breakwater"

I'm a ghoooost (I misjudged the time again but also there was a car)

From the comments

James Petrosky: This is from 2020 but the GoPro software is hinky and uploaded it again and it's a really good photo of Thomasin and I so why not share it again ❤️ A man with 8cm long dark hair sits on a computer chair, holding an orange cat like a baby"

Monday September 19, 2022

Feeling good five days after chemo

Cycle 1, Day 5

On day 5 I finally felt good enough to actually do stuff. It's wild to walk out of Canadian Tire and feel "yes, that was a pleasant trip that I both needed to take and did not make me feel upset in any way".

My apartment has never had a number on it, which has suited my desire for privacy, but not being monstrous to home care nurses ranks pretty high on my list of desires.

Plus! The weather today is extremely late summer/early fall and the breeze is perfect. I might take a picnic to the water if the weather holds.

I still feel a little sick, like I could throw up, but not like it's iminant. I'm getting used to it, but I'm feeling unwell most of the time. I don't think I can enjoy apple anymore, at least for a while, which is a pain because apple sause is one of the main foods recommended for this sort of queesy feeling in general, and especially for chemo patients.

A man with long green hair and no beard sits in a car, Photo 1

Successful Canadian Tire trip

A man with long green hair and no beard sits in a car, Photo 2

Successful Canadian Tire trip

A man with long green hair and no beard sits in a car, Photo 3

Successful Canadian Tire trip

A man with long green hair and no beard stands in front of a post with a number 9 on it

Appartment #9

A man with long green hair and no beard stands in front of Lake Huron, waves crashing on the breakwater, Photo 1

The waves are very good today

A man with long green hair and no beard stands in front of Lake Huron, waves crashing on the breakwater, Photo 2

It's hard to keep the hair out of my eyes today

A man with long green hair and no beard sits in a computer chair, with an orange cat in his lap

Honourary Nurse Thomasin, asleep on the job

From the comments

James Petrosky: Eff it, it's a bit cool out (newly repaired thermometer reads 21.7C) but I've got the body fat to sit outside in the shade (one of the chemotherapy drugs makes you very photosensitive so it has to be the shade) so bonus recreation of an earlier profile pic A man with long green hair and no beard reclines in a folding chair on a patio

Friday September 16, 2022

The first chemo bottle day

Cycle 1, Day 2

I still have my take home bottle of chemo, it'll be removed late tomorrow morning. I'm not sure which of the drugs caused it, but I threw up last night. I've mostly slept since all day, but did get to see my parents before they returned to Northern Ontario for a few days. I had three phone calls (two followup, one scheduled) and I'm exhausted.

A man with green hair and a beard lays in bed, looking exhausted

From the comments

James Petrosky: The bathroom of a chemotherapy patient is considered potentially hazardous. Other humans can use it so long as they follow a few ground rules, but animals are not allowed in.

Some animals are extremely offended at this

James Petrosky: I tried to capture it, but the lighting wasn't great, the dark blue pouch on my torso attacked to the belt I bought in Peru over a decade ago (and finally found its use) is the chemo bottle. It's a lot less of a pain than I thought it would be, the only slight challenge is keeping Thomasin away from a fun fun springy hose. She's been good, though.

An orange cat lies in bed, being pet by someone who only has a hand in frame, Photo 1

I'm in good paws

An orange cat lies in bed, being pet by someone who only has a hand in frame, Photo 2 An orange cat lies in bed, being pet by someone who only has a hand in frame, Photo 3

Even if she did immediately start biting me right after the last photo

An orange cat lies in bed, being pet by someone who only has a hand in frame, Photo 4


Thursday September 15, 2022

The first visit to the chemo suite

Cycle 1, Day 1

I expected that to be a lot worse.

A man with green hair and a beard sits in a computer chair and holds an orange cat at eye level, Photo 1

She's not the smartest cat, but she's very sweet and can be quite empathetic

A man with green hair and a beard sits in a computer chair and holds an orange cat at eye level, Photo 2

The calming effect I need

A man with green hair and a beard sits in a computer chair and holds an orange cat at eye level, Photo 3

She might not agree though

A man with green hair and a beard sits in a computer chair and holds an orange cat at eye level, Photo 4


A man with green hair and a beard sits in a nondescript room with a surgical mask

You can't see it, but I'm on the chemotherapy

A man with green hair and a beard sits in a computer chair with a tired, dazed look

You can't tell, but I'm on my take home bottle chemotherapy (although I'm so wiped out you kind of can)

Wednesday September 14, 2022

The night before chemotherapy

Tomorrow is it, day one of my first round of chemotherapy. I'd be lying to you if I said I was okay, or that I was calm, or ready. Because I'm none of those things. I haven't even fully come to terms with my diagnosis. There's been no time, and getting to this point as fast as possible has quite literally been a case of life and death. I'm exhausted, I'm anxious, I can't sleep.

Tomorrow beings answers to important questions like how will I tolerate chemotherapy, what are my side effects going to be like, how careful am I going to have to be.

Tomorrow brings hope. The only way out of this for me is through the cancer centre, through these appointments. It's absolutely terrifying, every single part of this has been terrifying. Every new pain has been the terror of further spread. Every Covid-19 type symptom for months terrified me that I'd delay this process (and now will cause anxiety because I'm about to become immunocompromised). Every single thing that is slightly abnormal is a new horror. And they will all remain horrors, the thing that has replaced university exams or abusive Target liquidation customers as the antagonist of my stress dreams. But, tomorrow, I also to start striking back. And that's not nothing.

A man with green hair and a beard is outside after dark, Photo 1 A man with green hair and a beard is outside after dark, Photo 2 A man with green hair and a beard is outside after dark, Photo 3 A man with green hair and a beard is outside after dark, Photo 4 A man with green hair and a beard is outside in front of a community mailbox A man with green hair and a beard is outside after dark at the breakwater

Once more at the breakwater

A man with green hair and a beard is outside showing off his PICC

PICC line part 1

A man with green hair and a beard is outside showing off his PICC without the mesh cover

PICC line part 2

A man with green hair and a beard is on a computer chair with an orange cat sleeping in the foreground

Nurse Thomasin doing her absolute best to keep me level

Friday September 09, 2022

Sushi thief

Its not all bad, all my silly stuffed animals do honestly help. I surround myself in them and it's comforting. Except for Thomasin, who protests until she gets a whole side to herself.

Also, cheap supermarket sushi lunch. I can only eat sushi for another four days so I'm enjoying even the cheap stuff while I can. But someone else was also really interested in it, so we had to battle a bit. Don't worry, it's tuna melts for dinner, she's going to get her favourite fish, too.

A man with green hair laying with several Squishmallows

Maggie's little ray wings are so fun

A man with green hair laying with Nessie, a Squishmallows

Nessie is still my favourite though

A man with green keeps a piece of sushi out of reach of the orange cat on his lap, Photo 1

Thomasin /loves/ tuna in a way only an obsessive cat could (I have flee treatment on order from the vet, she scratches her chin like that every year and I forgot to get it proactively because it's been a wild summer for me)

A man with green keeps a piece of sushi out of reach of the orange cat on his lap, Photo 2

Thomasin also likes salmon, but less so, I didn't need to physically hold her back from this one

Tuesday September 06, 2022

Tuesday September 06, 2022

An ice cream break

Today has been an exhausting day, physically and mentally. Mentally, going into work for the last time before treatment was a lot. Everyone has a different way to process bad news from an acquaintance or coworker. And I've been unable to control the pain at all the last couple of days, I have some ideas why (because nothing materially changed with my condition the last few days, so it's got to be behavioural in part) and I have an appointment with my nurse practitioner next Tuesday, so we'll get this solved.

Anyways, ice cream always helps. My favourite place is soon to be closed for the winter, so I simply must take advantage before then. Thomasin has become aggressively cuddly, she really enjoys when I spend lots of time at home, so at least someone is going to benefit from my situation ❤️

A man with green hair is sitting in a car with a swirrled soft serve ice cream cone

Ice cream at Wyevale Jug City

A man with green hair is standing on a beach

The beach at Balm Beach

From the comments

Some bonus Thomasin

An orange cat sleeps on a bed, Photo 1 An orange cat sleeps on a bed, Photo 2 An orange cat sleeps on a bed, Photo 3 An orange cat sleeps on a bed with a beaver Squishmallow An orange cat sleeps on a bed, Photo 4 An orange cat sleeps on a lap, Photo 1 An orange cat sleeps on a lap, Photo 2 An orange cat sleeps on a bed, Photo 5

Saturday September 03, 2022

Saturday August 27, 2022

Monday August 22, 2022

Sunday August 21, 2022

Friday August 19, 2022

Thursday August 11, 2022

Monday August 08, 2022

Thursday August 04, 2022

There are a lot of tests

This was written on September 4th, 2022

A lot of new tests had been scheduled, I knew I was driving five hours to Elliott Lake the next day and was dreading it. I'd been planning this visit for months (it got changed up a bit because I got Covid-19, and then again the day before, because I no longer had the energy for big trips and now needed to be nearer an emergency room I didn't think Chapleau could provide)

An orange cat is with a man with long dark hair, photo 1 An orange cat is with a man with long dark hair, photo 2 An orange cat is with a man with long dark hair, photo 3 An orange cat is with a man with long dark hair, photo 4

Wednesday August 03, 2022

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