Sep 08, 2022
We've earned some more nice things I think.
From the comments
James Petrosky: I don't reallt care how any individual person reacts to this, live your life, but it's goosing wild to put your cat group into mourning, with no posts for a day
Sep 05, 2022
In my month of Covid-19 and cancer exhaustion I have allowed some serious Produce Crimes to happen and now my apartment has enough fruit flies for several exorcism movies. I'm so tired
Sep 04, 2022
I reflected on this on September 9, 2023
If the chemo is going to take my hair, I'm going to have fun with it first

From the Comments
James Petrosky: *it isn't a forgone conclusion that I'll lose my hair, and I'm pretty excited about this whole thing
Sep 03, 2022
Customer service questionnaires have gone too far 😛 How do they want me to answer this, 10/10 would be told I have cancer again?
(this is a joke, I'm delighted by the absurdity, you can be too)

From the comments
James Petrosky: Really tho so far the Barrie cancer center seems great, it's just maybe wait more than 24 hours (not even a business day) before asking
Kate: I got a bunch of emails and texts like that for the surgery I had in 20xx too. Like...what was I supposed to say? "As far as being cut in half goes, it wasn't too bad!" (That's a moderate exaggeration, I was probably temporarily disemboweled though.)
Robert: Kate "They managed to fit all my guts back into my body cavity!"
James Petrosky: Robert "no spare parts 👍"
James Petrosky: Although if I get surgery I hope there are spare parts 😛
Cindy: I was always annoyed to get such type of survey things from the hospital my mom was going to. A survey is not my priority!
James Petrosky: Cindy yeah it's one thing now when I can still joke about it, but I will be frustrated, annoyed and hurt when I get one in six months time and I just want to forget the whole experience.
Ron: It's good they solicit feedback in many ways. But this shit always feels like marketing.
James Petrosky: Ron if they asked after my fifth chemo treatment, they could probably expect a non emotional answer. But literally 24 hours after learning exactly how bad it is and how fast treatment is starting? Wild
Ron: James Petrosky Yeah, they need to bake a little tact into their automated systems, give the doctors a way to enter a "gingerness" factor during the appointment.
Sarah: That's wild! 🤦🏻♀️
Sep 02, 2022
Stage four cancer. Chemo starts on the 15th. I don't have much left, emotionally, today. Thank you everyone for your support so far ❤️
Sep 01, 2022
<! --I reflected on this on September 1, 2023 -->
Given that there are fewer than 24 hours until I meet my oncologist, I'm going to go back to the CUTE ANIMAL PHOTOS well because holy fuck I have an anxiety disorder and I didn't understand anxiety could be so bad
The comments comtain dozens of posts featuring people's pets and wild animals
Aug 31, 2022
Insurance forms are wild. "List the symptoms of your illness that prevent you from working. List which job tasks you can still preform" weren't you listening when I wrote one of the worst four word phrases possible in the English language? And you want to know if I'll still be able to bend conduit while hooked up to an IV.
Fuck these ghouls.
From the comments
James Petrosky: Those words are "Cancer that has spread", although that phrasing only makes sense on a form. The real life equivalent is "you have cancer, and it has already spread" and I don't wish that statement on anyone, whoever wrote this form should really consider that someone who's going to fill it out did and not be the worst cog in the machine about it.
Aug 30, 2022
I reflected on this on August 30, 2023
Good news! I have appointments with two different oncologists!
Bad news! I have appointments with two different oncologists.
From the comments
Ron: Because two different cancers or...
I wanted to say it's good to talk to different professionals about something this important but then it occurred to me.
James Petrosky: Ron two different treatment styles, I think. My understanding, the first is a traditional surgery and chemo option, the second is a more aggressive hybrid approach. The first is at a regional hospital and the second is one of the major hospitals in Toronto
Ron: James Petrosky Given the unfortunate delay in your diagnosis I suppose aggressive might be called for, but honestly cancer scares me enough that I definitely just reflexively equate aggressive with good when it comes to dealing with it. I'd nuke it from orbit if I could
James Petrosky: Ron Bedison I'm fortunate that otherwise my health is still fairly good, so going off absolutely no information I'd also opt for the more aggressive treatment. But more than anything else I'm so in the dark and I just want information.
Aug 27, 2022
"Do you want a gift receipt"
"No I am an adult and me and my new friend Nessie are going home to watch monster movies together"

From the comments
James Petrosky: Things you wish you said after the situation is over.
James Petrosky: We are going to take T3s and watch monster movies, though. Obviously Chip and Thomasin will be there, too.
James Petrosky: I wasn't sure this was the right one in the store, but turning around and seeing her smiling face tells me it was.
James Petrosky: My deal with myself is that every major cancer milestone I get to add something silly and cute to my plush collection. Today it was almost a giant Bulbasaur, but Nessie was a lot softer
Aug 26, 2022
Good news! I have something for the abdominal pain now.
Good news! It works really well!
Bad news! I have about the same tolerance for T3s as I do for everything else, so that's fun.
From the comments
James Petrosky: This would be fine if they were for home, but less so for driving and work (especially because the position I'm physically in for driving is really bad for pain.)
James Petrosky: It's great to feel at home in my body for the first time in a year, but the cost is a little bit more of the normal I'm coming to miss more and more every day.
James Petrosky: I've wanted to make posts about "the thing they don't tell you about cancer is" with a thousand little adjustments (buying a new large bottle of extra strength Tylenol every trip to the grocery store, when normally one a year was a lot) but the reality is that you really cling to everything that still feels normal, knowing that many of them have a time limit (the big one for me is work, I think I probably have 2-4 weeks before I go on leave, and I'm not ready to recon with that yet). Today I learned that my reaction to T3s means that I have to give up forklift driving and height work or be risk fairly severe pain. That is a lot of normal lost, and a lot of either lying about why or filling people in on the situation.
What they don't tell you is that normal is the currency you pay along the road to treatment.
And every time you make a payment, the part of your brain you can take a mental break from it in shrinks. Until all that's left is existential terror and exhaustion, from the disease and from the side effects.
That's pretty fucking bleak, I'm not feeling that trash tonight. I have felt that trash, I drove 6 hours alone in pain knowing every second of the trip that the reward I was looking forward to was breaking my parents' hearts with this fucking news. Nothing will ever feel like that.
I'm alright tonight. A little bit high on T3s. Watching math videos and playing with my stupid electronic toy instruments. If I was healthy right now, I'd be doing exactly the same (except it would be cannibis)
Aug 25, 2022
Oversharing warning!
Whoda thought that the worst part about the colonoscopy (well, so far, material was sent out for further testing) would be that my sinuses are all plugged and painful
From the comments
Ron: Not me, but my sinuses aren't particularly prone to blockage like some of my family members. Air mask related or a reaction to the anesthesia?
James Petrosky: Ron I'm told I removed the mask, so I don't know. The side I was laying on is a lot worse, and because of the cancer pain I haven't been able to sleep on my side in over a year so I have no idea.
Never been under anesthetic before, either
Ron: James Petrosky Ugh, yeah, my sinuses are sensitive enough that I do need to flip over from time to time. Sorry. General anesthesia is really deceptive. It's like being drunk without any sense of being that way. I'm told I'm hilarious when going under or coming out of it.
James Petrosky: Ron I think I just have to get used to it (a anesthesia) because I think even the best case scenario has a lot of it coming up 😛
Which, to be clear, being it the fuck on
James Petrosky: A few more hours on and the regular cancer pain is once again the worst discomfort I'm dealing with minute to minute. Which genuinely sounds a lot more dire than I mean it to, I'm not being negative or defeatist, I promise. This is just what it sounds like when a sick engineer talks about their illness. (I checked with my friends from engineering school and we all agreed about this)
Aug 23, 2022
I meet with an oncologist next Friday
From the comments
James Petrosky: I love all the reacts, but I'm very excited. I'm also upset at Zucc for taking the good backgrounds away and durining my character into a weird stress ball texture.
Aug 23, 2022
It was hard enough to give a fuck at work before, why do I expect myself to do this?*
*I'm doing it to pretend things are normal in a way that isn't dangerous for as long as I can but holy fuck
From the comments
Jon Muggleton: Right with you, buddy. I may not be exactly where you're at, but I've felt the same way since I came back.
Gena Radcliffe: Yeah, I get this.
Anthony Daley Di Poce: I absolutely love your ability to do this. I thank Ra that I work at home with my wife. I would spill the beans day one if I still worked in the office. I am shit at hiding anything.
Anthony Daley Di Poce: Love, respect, and admire.
James Petrosky: Anthony Daley Di Poce okay but what do you think of the internal manic chaos bisexual in me's plan to reveal it by dying my hair purple and then, when asked why I did it, saying that I'm starting chemo soon and I wanted to try while I could?
Anthony Daley Di Poce: James Petrosky (emperor voice) "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."
Aug 21, 2022
I adopted a new friend

Aug 21, 2022
Coke Dreamworld Zero tastes like someone mixed regular Coke and Inca Kola, but with an unpleasant artificial sweetener taste. Here's hoping I can find regular to give it a go
From the comments
James Petrosky: I encourage everyone to try Inca Kola if they can find it, it's a touch too sweet but deliciously citrusy and refreshing
Lina: Yeah, love Inca cola. Reminds me of this soft drink we had in Venezuela called Frescolita, it was red and like 100% sugar lol
James Petrosky: Lina I need to find a South American grocer somewhere and hope they have these pops
Gillian: The Dreamworld Coke tasted like they just mixed the leftover flavors from their other drinks and tossed them into regular Coke.
James Petrosky: Gillian honestly that sounds like my jam
Carolyn: James Petrosky you should definitely visit the Coca Cola museum then!
James Petrosky: Carolyn where is that?
Carolyn: James Petrosky Atlanta, Georgia, USA- they have a “tasting room” with all the flavors from around the world and some are gnarly
James Petrosky: Carolyn it's on the remission list
Ryan: It tasted like mango and a hint of guava to me. I like Inca Kola, but I wish they had a less caloric version in my town.
Tu: I thought it tasted like peaches! And I’ve occasionally found Inka Cola in the “Latin foods” section of large grocery stores. I always thought it tasted like bubblegum!
James Petrosky: Tu the parts I'm from don't have good Latin sections, unfortunately
James Petrosky: Not going to lie, didn't particularly enjoy regular variety. But I did find some Coke Quebec Maple and that was very nice
Aug 20, 2022
Pro: I found a store that sells grey market American Vanilla Coke (no French on the label, inscrutable units)
Con: Covid-19 has decided I can't taste vanilla today
I also cleared out all the stores I could think of of Starlight, as a treat to myself when I do good at an appointment.
Aug 20, 2022
I reflected on this on August 20, 2023
If your wondering how fast advertisements for nonsense natural remedies take over your feed, it's within hours (maybe quicker, I was at work and not paying full attention).
I've already blocked and reported a half dozen.
Right now I'm still in a position where I can laugh these off, block some scammers, and move on. If I start to break, someone please just point me at Science Based Medicine to set me straight again ❤️
Aug 19, 2022
Friends, this is not going to be a happy post. I understand if you take a pass, just know that you're all important to me, you brighten and give colour to my life, and that I love you all.
I've been diagnosed with cancer of the appendix. Its already spread to at least two other places. This is the source of the gut/abdominal/belly button pain I've been complaining about for a while. We've only suspected for just over two weeks. and only had it confirmed this week, so I don't know what the outlook is like, but I'm choosing to be hopeful.
Work friends, please keep this to yourselves. Work is the only place I can pretend things are normal right now and that is important to my mental health.
All friends, please don't tell me you're praying for me. That's often used as a passive aggressive threat towards atheists, and while I know you don't mean it that way, I'm already emotionally spent.
Again, you all mean the world to me, and the world is a better place having all you in it ❤
From the comments
James Petrosky: But seriously though the Ontario heathcare system is deeply flawed, but once the full weight of it is behind you things move fast.
James Petrosky: And for American friends, the combo of public health care and good employer benefits means I'm not worried financially.
Aug 13, 2022
Holy crap CBD is a demon chemical that damns me to an unrestful sleep full of vivid and surreal dreams. I'll take seven.
From the comments
James Petrosky: Maybe I'm just overdoing it? Who knows. Prerolls are weird and I have no idea what I'm doing (other than trying to reliably fall asleep and remain asleep until morning)
Amber: James Petrosky vaping? Smoking? Edible?
James Petrosky: Amber 0.35g prerolled joint, so smoking. Buying small numbers of prerolls is the easiest way for me to find what I like, so I can then get dried flower for the vaporizer. Sadly I can't have edibles right now because they dehydrate me and because of a health problem that has to be avoided (but the problem also makes sleep difficult so catch 22)
Amber: James Petrosky edibles are expensive! I can’t do preroll because of asthma. A portable vape is great cuz I know my exact temp; easy on my lungs. It’s amazing learning smoking has no control and can overheat the preroll. Best of luck! Big learning curve but worth it!
James Petrosky: Amber I've been doing higher THC stuff since 2020, including edibles, but changing life situations has rendered the high THC stuff a poor choice because of elevated paranoia risk (I think related to the same issue, but maybe related to the bipolar disorder or something else) and the edible dehydration issue is a non-starter.
Amber: James Petrosky I’m sorry to hear that. Cbd is a good option for you then. No high, but nice and mellow. I vape sour space candy when I feel anxious and it works like a charm to calm me down. There’s so many strains, it’s overwhelming!
James Petrosky: Amber yeah I tried two this week, one did nothing and this one (Black widdow I think) was too much. It's not pure CBD numbers because the first was higher, but the second also had a small but meaningful amount of THC in it. Anyways, the search continues
Jul 29, 2022
Guess who forgot they couldn't taste food and bought pizza to celebrate the long weekend?